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At Helios Visions, we are passionate about the potential of drone technology to revolutionize building facade inspections and enhance safety and efficiency for our clients.

Today, we are thrilled to share the exciting news that will significantly impact the commercial drone industry in New York City.

Mayor Eric Adams has unveiled new rules that establish a streamlined permitting process and guidelines for the take-off and landing of unmanned aircraft in the city. This development is a game-changer for drone services, paving the way for smoother operations and a brighter future.

“Today, New York City is flying into the future, using drones to make city services faster and safer, and likely saving taxpayer dollars as well. With these rules, we are paving the way for drones to help in New Yorkers’ everyday lives. Drones are going to allow us to make façade inspections faster and safer, and help us inspect and maintain our bridges, tunnels, and critical infrastructure. Drones will vastly increase the effectiveness and quality of our critical infrastructure inspections and ultimately the safety of New York City.” – Mayor of New York City Eric Adams


Flying into the Future: NYC's New Drone Regulations Bring Faster, Safer Building Inspections!


Breaking Down the Red Tape


If you’ve flown facade inspections in NYC before, you are well aware of the bureaucratic hurdles that often come with obtaining proper approval. The previous red tape surrounding drone operations in the city has been a challenge for many drone service providers, including us at Helios Visions. However, with the new rules in place, those days are about to change!


Faster, Safer, and More Efficient Inspections


The latest regulations are a major step forward in making city services faster, safer, and more cost-effective. Mayor Adams emphasized that drones are already saving lives in emergency situations, and their full potential is now being unleashed. Facade inspections will no longer be bogged down by extensive paperwork and delays. With a simplified permitting process, our team at Helios Visions can swiftly deploy drones to assess building facades with precision and accuracy.


Enhanced Safety and Privacy Measures


As advocates of responsible drone use, we are pleased to see that the new rules prioritize safety and privacy for all New Yorkers. The requirements for notifying relevant community boards and public notices ensure transparency, while reporting any accidents or cybersecurity incidents will maintain accountability in the drone operations.


A Promising Future for Drone Services


This momentous announcement marks the beginning of a new chapter for drone services in New York City. As the regulations are implemented and drone technology becomes more integrated into everyday life, we envision a future where drones play an indispensable role in inspections, monitoring critical infrastructure, and supporting various city services.

We are enthusiastic about the endless possibilities that the new regulations hold for the drone industry, particularly for facade inspections. With the new permitting process, we can focus on what we do best: providing top-notch drone services to our clients in NYC. As we embrace this transformative change, we are committed to upholding safety standards, respecting privacy, and making a positive impact on the city we serve.

The future of drone services is here, and we are thrilled to be part of this exciting journey. Join us in embracing this new era of drone technology in New York City!



How New York City Can Integrate Drone Technology Into a Facade Inspection & Safety Program (FISP)

Flying into the Future: NYC's New Drone Regulations Bring Faster, Safer Building Inspections!