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Safely Operating Drones Over People

Helios Visions recently became the 1st drone services company in Chicago to receive the exclusive FAA waiver to operate drones over people.  The waiver issued to Helios Visions is part of the updated list of Part 107.39 waivers issued by the FAA, allowing approved applicants the proper authority to safely operate drones over people. 

Helios Visions Obtains FAA Issued Waiver to Safely Operate Drones Over People


At first glance, obtaining a waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to operate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs), also known as drones, may seem routine or a common occurrence among drone operators and drone businesses, but it is not a regular endeavor at all. In fact, individuals and companies who obtained a Part 107.39 waiver (drone operations over people), have totaled 53 since 2016.


Helios Visions Obtains FAA Issued Waiver to Safely Operate Drones Over People“With this waiver, Helios Visions can meet increasing customer demands within our architecture engineering and construction projects, along with our commercial real estate and development applications,” said Helios Visions’ Co-Founder and CMO, Ted Parisot.


Drone Liabilities, Insurance, and Safety


One concern from potential clients is the perception of reckless drone operations that could result in unnecessary liabilities such as injuries or property damage to name a few. 

These are valid concerns and Helios Visions, as part of a strict operational safety and risk assessment program, addresses these worries with an abundance of safety precautions throughout its flight operation plan. 

Staff are committed to pre- and in-flight checks, along with a stringent equipment preventative maintenance schedule and life-cycle process. An integral piece of the Helios Visions safety program is recognizing unsafe conditions during both pre- and in-flight checks. 

Part of a responsible drone operation involves knowing limitations and Helios Visions routinely checks altitude, airspeed, proximity to structures, and above all, the amount of time operating over a person.


Helios Visions Obtains FAA Issued Waiver to Safely Operate Drones Over People“Safety goes into each step of our flight planning process and this waiver enhances that. By limiting drone flight time over people, it also reduces risk ” said Helios Visions’ Co-Founder and Chief Pilot, Tyler Gibson.



In addition to having a strict operational safety and risk assessment program,  Helios Visions is a fully insured safety-oriented drone mapping and aerial data collection company and it continues to seek additional layers of safety above and beyond the minimum requirements established by the FAA. 

With a Part 107.39 and a Part 107.29 waiver (the ability to operate a drone at night), Helios Visions not only separates itself from the competition, it takes the appropriate action to meet risk management priorities. 


Helios Visions Obtains FAA Issued Waiver to Safely Operate Drones Over People“At Helios Visions we believe in providing timely and comprehensive services but hold safety and accountability above all our principles. Obtaining FAA waivers to properly conduct our business, is just one of our business pillars,” said Helios Visions’ Co-Founder and CFO, Calvin Gin.  


Technology to Meet the Demands of Work  


Helios Visions continues to procure equipment to meet client and safety needs.  The latest acquired equipment is a parachute designed to attach to a drone, which deploys when real-time log analysis detects a situation requiring a slow descent over people. 

The ParaZero parachute was the most logical choice for Helios Visions to utilize when operating over people.

Helios Visions Obtains FAA Issued Waiver to Safely Operate Drones Over People“We are thrilled that leading companies like Helios Visions are able to use our product to increase their safe and legal flight envelope.  This waiver will allow Helios Visions to operate with an increased level of safety and efficiency.” – Avi Lozowick, Vice President, Policy and Strategy, ParaZero


By utilizing the ParaZero parachute that complies with ASTM F3322-18 (specifications for UAS deployable parachutes), Helios Visions’ operations remain within industry standards while complimenting its risk management philosophy. 

Utilizing a superior product that has been successfully tested and acceptable to FAA standards, allows Helios Visions to remain safety focused.

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